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04/11/2011 Fire Commission Agenda
Regular Meeting

Day:    Monday
Date: April 11, 2011
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Company #1 - Headquarters

 1.     Call to order
2.     Approval of the Minutes
3.     ACG awards report- Rick Stanchfield
4.     Communications
5.     Public Remarks & Comments
6.     Fire Marshal’s Report
7.     Fire Chief’s Report
  • Old Business
                        a.      2011-2012 budget concerns
b.      2010-2011 budget status
                        c.      Remaining Capital money
                                .       Chief’s Vehicle                 -  $99.15
                Engine #2                       -  $4,314.75
                                        Technology Upgrades     -  $4,224.61
                                        Pickup Truck                    -  $1,752.10
d.      Purchase of 8 sets of personal gear
e.      Purchase of hoods and gloves
f       Purchase of running boards for fire police van
g.      Repair of thermal imaging camera
h.      Awards program status
i.      Tax Abatement status
j.      Lock Boxes status
k.      Physicals
l.      Rescue #2 status
m.      Generator for Company #2 status
n.      Status of hydrants
9.      New Business
                a.      Repairs to the Fire Prevention Trailer
                b.      High Band Radios – Osha requirements
                c.      FEMA Grant – w are still in contention for 2010
                d.      Start thinking about 2011 grant
                e.      Other concerns
10.      Approval of Purchases
11.     Adjournment


David Simko, Chairman
Dr. Richard Brown
Dean Michelson
        Richard Dufour
        Leroy Goff